Jan 24, 2009

Barack Obama

It was overwhelming, watching in TV the inauguration of Obama as US President. To my knowledge, this event would rank the first in terms of historical importance that we have witnessed in our lifetime so far. Our guys in the US who have voted could take pride for being part of a 'force' that made history.....(The only other significant event that occurred in our times, of this proportions, IMO, might be man's landing on the moon -again by Americans!).

We all know the most famous "I have a dream" speech (1963) by Martin Luther King. 45 years later, what Barack Obama made a reality goes far beyond King's 'dream'.

"Change has come to America" declared Obama, on Nov-5 when he got elected to the most powerful post on earth. I read a TIME article that analyzed why this historical change is global rather than American, which noted that "someone from the lower ranks of the society reaching the top position is near impossible in Europe and Asia.." Was a bit delighted as the author had added "....except perhaps in India". TIME would have found India a fitting democracy perhaps on seeing the rise of Manmohan and Abdul Kalam to the highest posts in India. (Let's keep quite about the fact that those two were 'nominated' but not 'elected').


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