Oct 10, 2011

Made in China

A year ahead of the US presidential elections, US politics is getting hot with the Republican candidates trying hard to win the nomination. There are 7 or 8 of them in the race, and each one is trying to win the pablic support with their own 'punch dialog's! The way they throw mud on each other is 'interesting' to watch. (One lady candidate accused the other -Governor of a state- of taking money from a pharmaceutical company, and making the vaccination supplied by that company mandatory for the school children!).

What surprises me is that almost every candidate projects himself as if he is the only one holding the 'magic formula' that will put back US economy on track. Naturally, Obama looks 'ju-ju-bee' as his bail-outs and other measures (if any) failed to make any positive impact. Republicans find it easy to jump on Obama, and attack him as 'fit-for-nothing'.Obama, for his turn,talks rhetorically that he would never, ever make Warren Buffet's secretary pay a higher tax percentage than Warren Buffet himself. ("ஏம்ப்பா, இப்ப அதுவாப்பா பிரச்சனை?" என்று கேட்கத் தோணுகிறது!)

One thing is clear. US politicians are வாய்ச் சொல்லில் வீரர்கள்! The way the Republican candidates speak in confidence, one would think the US economy crisis will get solved if only they come to power! And Obama never wastes his time -he every now & then talks about building infrastructure, investing in education, subsidizing small business tax etc. With almost everything we buy for our home and work has the stamp 'Made in China' on it, I wonder how it will improve US economy if Obama starts re-building the highways nationwide...! Cheap products -US imports from China. Cheap service -US outsources to China/India. How will the unemployment improve from the current 10%??

நாளை எப்படியோ, நிகழ் காலத்தைப் பார்த்தால் நம்பிக்கை வரவில்லை!

("Chinglish" என்ற Broadway show இப்போது அமெரிக்காவில் பாப்புலர்; சீக்கிரமே சினிமாவாக வரலாம். மேலே  chinglish ன் ஒரு சின்ன உதாரணம்)


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